Deadpool 2016

Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Gina Carano, T.J. Miller, Ed Skrein, Rachel Sheen
Directed by Tim Miller (feature debut)
Written by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick (based on characters created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld)
Action, Comedy, Science Fiction, Thriller | 1hr 48mins | R16 | Graphic violence, sex scenes and offensive language | Country of Origin: USA |
Story line:
The story is basic comic book fare - guy gets physically messed
up, receives ultimate powers, and seeks to destroy the baddie that
screwed him up in the first place. But what makes Deadpool stand out
among the jostling throng of comic book movies is
the potty mouthed, utterly hilarious, and not quite hero not quite
villain Deadpool. Reynolds gives his most memorable performance yet both
outside and beneath the red lycra, capturing the brokenness but never
overplaying the madness of Deadpool. This film also doesn't take itself
or its star of anyone or anything seriously, which is where the largest
laughs lie. This approach enhances the story and the characters instead
of distracting from them.
Last year the great Steven Spielberg questioned how long comic book
films will be around for, but with original comic book characters like
Deadpool they should be around for a long while yet.
Movie Reviews:
Deadpool (the character, and the movie), is obsessed with equating
sex and violence. When he says “I’m touching myself tonight” after
murdering a bunch of dudes, it isn’t just a wisecrack. He really means
it. It’s a kind of miracle that the ensuing scene doesn’t play out as
repulsive, rather it’s genuinely funny, as is most of the film, thanks
to Ryan Reynolds dialling up his charm as well as his smirk, and a
tonal tightrope of a script from Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.
The marketing surrounding Deadpool has loudly proclaimed it a superhero movie for adults, or at least adults who want to indulge their inner teenagers’ desire for dick jokes and ultra violence. The closest comparison in terms of R-rated, self-aware super heroics are the Kick-Ass films, but this is even less subtle, obliterating the fourth wall early on. I worried this meta schtick might wear thin, but the constant ‘this is all a movie’ jokes end up being some of the best gags.
Going all-in on its outrageous content means Deadpool does stand out from the horde of superhero movies, mostly for its potty mouth but also for a pretty grim torture sequence and some nudey sex scenes (and a completely arbitrary few minutes in a strip club). But it’s also pleasingly small-scale. The world isn’t in peril, Deadpool just wants his girl back. It’s a scrappy, lowbrow little movie that really wants to offend as well as amuse, and succeeds on both counts...
The marketing surrounding Deadpool has loudly proclaimed it a superhero movie for adults, or at least adults who want to indulge their inner teenagers’ desire for dick jokes and ultra violence. The closest comparison in terms of R-rated, self-aware super heroics are the Kick-Ass films, but this is even less subtle, obliterating the fourth wall early on. I worried this meta schtick might wear thin, but the constant ‘this is all a movie’ jokes end up being some of the best gags.
Going all-in on its outrageous content means Deadpool does stand out from the horde of superhero movies, mostly for its potty mouth but also for a pretty grim torture sequence and some nudey sex scenes (and a completely arbitrary few minutes in a strip club). But it’s also pleasingly small-scale. The world isn’t in peril, Deadpool just wants his girl back. It’s a scrappy, lowbrow little movie that really wants to offend as well as amuse, and succeeds on both counts...